The Competence Network Lithium-Ion Batteries (KLiB), with the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) host the 10th German Battery Forum.
The congress will again take place as a virtual series of events. The industry day marks the beginning
on Wednesday, January 19, 2022
as the invited speakers from industry, science and politics consider the topic of batteries in Germany and Europe from different perspectives.
ive from the Berlin studio, Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker, Head of Research for Technological Sovereignty and Innovations at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, sends greetings to the participants. High-ranking representatives from industry, including Martin Drasch, CEO of Manz AG and Rainer Hald, CTO at Varta AG, have also confirmed their participation.
Current technical priorities will be discussed on three further dates. The German Battery Research Advisory Board has selected the following five key topics:
In the online poster exhibition, current results of publicly funded projects are presented and the three best posters are awarded prizes.