Innovation Uptake Event Series




On 16 September 2024, BEPA is organising a workshop on IP management

BEPA is organising a workshop on IP management as part of the Innovation Uptake event series, which is open to everyone and will take place online in September. The webinar will cover understanding IP in the battery industry, managing IP within a funded project consortium, identifying and valuing IP assets, and the legal and practical aspects of IP management. The aim of this webinar is to provide participants with essential tools for managing intellectual property in new battery technologies, which is crucial for navigating EU-funded projects in the battery field.

On 28 November 2024 BEPA is organising a Brokerage event

BEPA is organizing a brokerage event, which is part of the Innovation Uptake Event Series, to bring together battery stakeholders to share knowledge and create investment opportunities. The event, which will take place in Barcelona on 28 November, aims to foster exchange in the European R&D battery sector. The event allows selected start-ups and researchers to present their pitches directly to investors and other stakeholders that will also be attending the Battery Innovation Days. This event provides an excellent context for networking and connecting with industry, investors, and other battery stakeholders.


Workshop: Storytelling for Scientists and Researchers

As a scientist researcher have you ever been faced with a barrier to communicate your results to a non-academic audience?

On 21 June 2024, BEPA organised a free webinar alongside Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) on storytelling for scientists and researchers to improve your storytelling and pitching skills!

✅Present research results to industry players

✅Receive live feedback on your pitch

What is included in the workshop:

🔹 Video material to help you prepare, including exercises to identify and understand your #targetaudience

🔹 Presentation of various storytelling methods and how they can be applied to your research topic

🔹Peer feedback on your pitch draft

🔹Opportunity to present your idea in our exclusive brokerage event in November

What sets this workshop apart? The combination of:

📚 theoretical knowledge

📝 practical applications

🗣 peer feedback

This allows attendees to transform the complex scientific information they are dealing with, into compelling narratives that resonate with a business audience!

Pitch Training and Pitch Deck Challenge for Battery Start-ups

The two-part workshop aims to support start-ups with battery-related activities in optimizing their pitch decks and improving their pitch presentations. Participants will learn to present their stories clearly, compellingly, and in a way that resonates with investors.

The workshop consists of a one-hour webinar, followed by an intensive “Pitch Deck Challenge” for selected start-ups. Thus, while the one-hour webinar is open for everyone, the “Pitch Deck Challenge” will be limited to max. 10 start-ups. Therefore start-ups will have to apply for it.

The workshop not only prepares start-ups to optimize their pitch decks and presentation skills but also offers them an exceptional opportunity to present their refined pitches directly to investors at an exclusive brokerage event in November 2024.

Procedure and time line:

On May 6: Introductory Webinar (11:00- 12:00 am)

The webinar offered a brief introduction to the topic and provided with information on the application process for the “Pitch Deck Challenge” Workshop.

Application Process for the “Pitch Deck Challenge”

Application Process started on May 6 (after the webinar) and will be open until May 13.  Start-ups wanting to participate in the workshop must complete and submit an online application form. This application form will ask for information on the business case and product.

On June 7: “Pitch Deck Challenge”

Each start-up presented its pitch deck to a jury of experts from the start-up ecosystem. Each start-up received individual constructive feedback and tips and hints for improving their presentation. In addition, the participants will learn from each other by listening to the other’s pitches and feedback.

The aim of the “Pitch Deck Challenge” is to prepare the start-ups for the brokerage event with potential investors.

If you are not a start-up, don’t worry! You can still attend the open webinar if you are interested, and similar activities are coming, with a focus on battery researchers. Stay tuned for more information soon!

On 18 April 2024, BEPA organised a webinar titled “Upscaling Innovation across the European Battery Value Chain”. How best to scale up the production of a new battery technology in a value chain where all parts are interdependent?

On 18 April 2024, BEPA organised a webinar titled “’Upscaling Innovation across the European Battery Value Chain” part of the Innovation Uptake  Event Series.

The battery value chain is a complex system with many different parts that require different knowledge, resources and infrastructure to function. However, all these parts are interconnected and need to work together. In Europe, there is no organisation whose activities cover all the different parts of the battery value chain, making the transition from the laboratory to the market, more difficult. This is all the more accurate as the diversity of battery chemistry and technologies continues to grow.

How best to scale up the production of a new battery technology in a value chain where all parts are interdependent?

Read a summary of the event: HERE 

Read the Agenda of this Webinar HERE

Innovation Uptake Event Series

This BEPA initiative aims at offering innovators valuable insights on opportunities and challenges in upscaling battery innovation, bridging the gap between lab and industry!


The BEPA Innovation Uptake Event Series is a combination of training workshops, informative webinars, and brokerage events organized in an effort to facilitate sharing best practises within the battery R&I Community. Startups and research organizations in the battery ecosystem have the chance to learn more about connecting their innovations with businesses and industry, by receiving in depth training or discussing upscaling success stories and hurdles.

Informative webinars covering a variety of topics will provide the knowledge key to having a better understanding and overview of the European battery sector.

These in-depth and interactive workshops, hosted by BEPA, are specifically designed to support startups and researchers including beneficiaries of EU funded projects, in their efforts to create a business case out of innovative battery technologies!

During the workshops, start-uppers will learn more about constructing business plans and successfully pitching their business ideas to investors. As for researchers, who might not be interested in going into business themselves, they will have the chance to learn more about promoting technology solutions to successfully reach industry players, and ensure adequate funding. Attendees will have the chance to discuss the importance of planning ahead to create technologies that can be implemented in large-scale production and how to achieve it in practice.

A brokerage event will be organised to bring together researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, start uppers, and other various stakeholders to put the training into practice and bring the right people together.

More information on this year’s upcoming events will be available soon!


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