Each working group is lead by a Core Team of 3 member elected representatives consisting of: Industry Co-Chair, Research Co-Chair and Technical Advisor. To see the Core Teams responsible for each working group, check the list below.
Daria Giovannacci Hedberg
Industry Chair , from Geyser Batteries
Kristina Edström
Research Chair, from Uppsala University
Ivana Hasa
Technical Advisor, from University of Warwick
Philippe Capron
Industry Chair, from Orano
Marja Vilkman
Research Chair, from VTT
Bart Verrecht
Technical Chair, from Umicore
Industry Chair
Silvia Bodoardo
Research Chair, from Politecnico di Torino
Marcel Meeus
Technical Advisor, from EMIRI
Daniela Fontana
Industry Chair, from Comau
Marcus Jahn
Research Chair, from AIT
Arno Kwade
Technical Advisor, from TU Braunschweig
Franz Geyer
Industry Chair, from BMW Group
Michele de Gennaro
Research Chair, from AIT
Thilo Bein
Technical Adviser, Fraunhofer-Allianz Batterien
Christian Noce
Industry Chair, from Enel X
Javier Olarte
Research Chair, from CIC energiGUNE
Technical Advisor
Each working group is lead by member elected Core Teams, consisting of Industry chair, Research Chair, and Technical Advisor. To see the Core Teams responsible for each working group, check the Working Group Core Team List.
The Core Team is responsible for:
Conditions, Governance and Elections for the Core Team:
For more information, please consult the Working Groups Terms of Reference.
Please note the link below is intended only for members of BEPA. To join Batteries Europe, please sign up on their website.