Other key initiatives

Joint Research Centre:

A formal collaboration is established between BATT4EU and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). 

A work programme of topics on which the JRC can provide scientific inputs has been agreed and yearly meetings are organised so the JRC can present their results. The objective of this collaboration is thus to identify synergies between the JRC’s work and some key R&I topics that are in the scope of the BATT4EU Partnership, so the JRC can provide relevant data, studies and inputs which will feed the work of BEPA (within its Technical Working Groups). 

A collaboration agreement has been signed between the JRC, BEPA and the 2ZERO partnership to enable information sharing and project result dissemination. The collaboration agreement defines 8 activities for collaboration related to battery safety, reliability and sustainability. The three parties meet yearly to discuss project results and updates, and may host workshops on defined topics.

Knowledge and Innovation Communities

In order to support market update of battery technologies, collaboration opportunities have also been identified with relevant Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).

Innovation Communities (KICs) is part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology which aim to strengthen cooperation among businesses (including SMEs), higher education institutions and research organisations, to form dynamic pan-European partnerships, and create favourable environments for creative thought processes and innovations to flourish.

BATT4EU will foresee cooperation with these initiatives, especially to support the scale up and exploitation of the battery related project results and the uptake of results from projects into products.

In this perspective, BATT4EU will collaborate:

  • EIT InnoEnergy, aiming at accelerating sustainable energy innovations and which will develop the “EBA Academy” initiative.
  • EIT Raw Materials, aiming at enabling sustainable competitiveness of the European minerals, metals and materials sector along the value chain by driving innovation, education and entrepreneurship.
  • EIT Manufacturing, aiming at bringing European manufacturing actors together in innovation ecosystems that add unique value to European products, processes and services to inspire the creation of globally competitive and sustainable manufacturing.

S3 inter-regional platform on advanced materials for batteries

The interregional platform for Smart Specialisation on advanced materials for batteries for electro-mobility and stationary energy storage is an initiative launched in October 2018 by the European Commission.

The initiative (led by Castile and Leon, Slovenia and Andalusia) gathers 8 European regions and aims at developing joint R&D&I projects on topics of advanced materials, their characterisation, durability suitable for extreme working conditions with the goal to deploy them in the field batteries. 

The focus of the platform is mainly battery as electro-chemical products with the final goal of enabling electro-mobility and enhancing the capacity and performance of stationary energy storage. 

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