Battery Innovation Days (5th edition)



The Battery Innovation Days is a unique 2-day hybrid experience designed to spark conversations on the latest developments in the European R&I Battery domain

Let’s talk Battery Innovation! After four successful editions, the Battery Innovation Days (BID) event is back. Today’s key European Research & Innovation initiatives,  Battery 2030+ and the Batteries European Partnership Association in partnership with the Batteries 1st and 2nd IPCEIs, will co-organise a unique hybrid experience, designed to bring together numerous key players and experts from the battery field.

Hosted by the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG) , this year’s Battery Innovation Days will take place in Graz, Auatria and Online, on 2-3 December 2025.

Find out more

Batteries are crucial to the enabling of technology that will allow the EU to achieve its zero-emissions goals through a responsible and sustainable market. Join us for 2 days of captivating dialogue among the research community, policymakers, industry players and end-users to boost battery research and innovation in Europe. BID aims to increase knowledge and encourage exchange around the deployment of cutting-edge technologies in battery materials, cell design, manufacturing and recycling.

Why attend

  • Network and connect with Industry peers from different backgrounds can provide a refreshingly different insight
  • Stay on top of trends and emerging new technologies: discover more about the market and bring awareness to your business by fully immersing in our two-day conference that will cover the hottest topics in the battery industry
  • Attend the delivery of the Battery Young Research Award: honouring academic excellence in battery research, the award recognises the commitment of those students supporting scientific advancements in the field
  • Visit the exhibitor booths and extend your network in a prime place for business

Battery Innovation Days 2023

During the last edition of the Battery Innovation Days, more than 1400 delegates (online and onsite) had the opportunity to discuss and learn more about fostering a competitive and sustainable European battery value chain.

Last year, thanks to our partners at the ACCIÓ, BID 2024 was hosted in the beautiful city of Barcelona, in Spain. Similar to previous editions, BID 2023 offered a seamless all-in-one experience; the forth edition of the Battery Innovation Days took place on 26 & 27 November in the Barcelo Sants Hotel and online.

What was discussed

The event saw the participation of more than 1400 delegates (350 onsite and over 1000 online), representing key actors driving the progress in the battery industry.
During two days, the attendees had the opportunity to learn from 60 world-renowned experts about how we can foster a competitive and sustainable European battery value chain.
On the agenda we saw debates on:
• Powering growth: How to finance the battery value chain?
• Solid state batteries. How to cope with international competition
• Circular Batteries and How to Track Them: Recycling and Battery Passports
• From Data to Insights: Advanced Modeling and AI Innovations for Battery Monitoring
• Powering Forward: Innovations in Automotive Battery Technology
• Eyes on the Price: Will Design-to-Cost Chemistries Take Off in Europe?
• Machinery Matters: Addressing Challenges in Manufacturing Equipment
• Mastering the battery circularity game
• EU’s Battery Policy: Navigating Today’s Geopolitical Landscape


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