BEPA’s 8th General Assembly: 23 new members, 9 battery stars awarded
12 June 2024

The eighth General Assembly of the Batteries European Partnership Association took place on Monday 10 June 2024, in a hybrid gathering held in Brussels and online. 

Before the official event of the General Assembly, BEPA organised a training on Innovation Fund, members heard a presentation by Stefaan Vergote, Advisor for Low carbon Innovation at DG CLIMA, European Commission on the battery projects awarded so far, the on-going 2023 calls, and the possible future instrument that will support the battery sector with up to EUR 3 billion in funding. Members then heard presentations on Vianode’s experience with project applications and lessons learned from the H2IF project, which aims to support other Innovation Fund proposals.  

Over 150 participants attended the eighth General Assembly of BEPA. Both online and at the Hilton Hotel Grand Place. The attendees heard from BEPA President Michael Lippert that the private-side contribution to the BATT4EU Partnership for 2023 was expected to be at least 645 million, more than 5 times the EU contribution. Members also learned from Fabrice Stassin, BEPA’s Secretary General, about the ongoing activities and achievements in 2024 and how BEPA will get ready for the upcoming Framework Programme by engaging with EU13, going beyond the EU and doing more advocacy.   

Highlight of the meeting was the presentation by BEPA executive board members Edel Sheridan and Simon Perraud on the latest draft of BATT4EU topics for the 2025 Horizon Europe Work Programme shaped by the BEPA working groups over the past months. This is still a work in progress, but the draft currently consists of 6 topics, counting a total of 13 projects, with an overall expected EU contribution of EUR 92 million. 

During the meeting, BEPA members voted in favour of welcoming 23 new organisations into the association. Also, BEPA members voted on the open Association Delegation positions on Raw Materials and the Executive Board position in Advanced Materials, which saw the election of Kaisa Kiipula from Finnish Minerals Group and Daniel Gloesener from Syensqo, respectively. 

The General Assembly was followed by a cocktail event at Warwick Hotel, where  Rosalinde van Der Vlies, Clean Planet Director, DG RTD, European Commission, introduced the BEPA award ceremony titled the “The Battery Stars Award”. The ceremony saw 9 awardees receiving a trophy for their long-lasting contribution and commitment to the battery sector. Congratulations to our battery stars Edel Sheridan, Silvia Bodoardo, Kristina Edstrom, Marja Vilkman, Eliana Quartarone, Claude Chanson, Ilka von Dalwigk, Marcel Meuus and Phillippe Jacques. 

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