BEPA members


BEPA currently has 3 types of membership categories
  • Full member – Industry: Industry stakeholders coming from battery raw materials, advanced materials, manufacturing, manufacturing supply, automotive (and automotive supply), other applications (stationary storage, maritime, aviation, rail, industrial applications, etc), recycling.
  • Full member – Research: RTOs, Universities.
  • Associate member: Other non-profit stakeholders (associations, public agencies, etc) – Not entitled to vote.

BEPA Members








Only a partnership – a long-lasting and coordinated effort involving industry, research and the public sector - can live up to the challenge and bring predictability to the European battery value chain stakeholders.

Being involved in BEPA provides the following benefits:


  • First-hand information on the industrial R&I roadmap;
  • First-hand view of impactful research findings generated in Europe (in Horizon Europe projects);
  • Opportunity to significantly contribute to the direction of battery research, drive the prioritisation of research topics and ability to impact it;
  • Be part of a strong industrial network with a focus on innovation;
  • Overview and understanding of the entire value chain and the potential impacts of upcoming innovations across all sectors;
  • Understanding of the potential impact of innovations resulting from research employing cross cutting topics (e.g. digitalisation);
  • Understanding of the technology readiness;
  • Strong connections to other European Partnerships which influence the battery industry;
  • Understanding of the requirements and conditions that will be / is created by European regulations.

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