To achieve this objective and the goals set up by the European Commission, BATT4EU has developed a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), published in 2021 and 2024.
SRIA 2024
This Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda is the result of input collected by the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) and Batteries Europe from hundreds of European battery experts organised in Working Groups and Task Forces each covering different battery topics. The SRIA points to six imperatives necessary to help improve the competitiveness and of the European battery sector:
The SRIA sets out the priority for battery research and innovation in Europe. It provides the main guidelines for the Horizon Europe work programmes and funding in the coming years. This Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda builds heavily on the Roadmaps that have been published by the Batteries Europe and Battery 2030+ projects. This document replaces the SRIA of the BATT4EU SRIA of 2021 and the Batteries Europe SRA of 2020, lists the key strategic actions that the European Batteries R&I Community need to take.
The first SRIA outlined six key R&I areas to be addressed in order to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the European battery sector: