In order to ensure a fair balance between the different sectors of the European battery value-chain, BEPA governance is made up of representatives from the key following industries

  • Battery raw materials industry;
  • Battery advanced materials industry;
  • Battery manufacturing industry;
  • Battery manufacturing supply industry;
  • Automotive industry;
  • Another application industry;
  • Recycling industry;
  • Research Members.

As shown in the figure below, the BEPA governance is composed of 3 key governing bodies: the General Assembly (composed of all BEPA members), the Executive Board and the Association Delegation.


Executive Board

The Executive Board is currently made up of 10 members including a Secretary-General.

Michael Lippert

BEPA President SAFT - Battery manufacturing industry

Daniel Gloesener

BEPA Vice President & Treasurer Syensqo - Battery advanced materials industry

Marina Urbina

BEPA Research Vice President CEA – Battery research

Fabrice Stassin

BEPA Secretary-General UMICORE - Director Government Affairs Electromobility Projects

Edel Sheridan

SINTEF – Battery research

Justo Garcia

ORANO - Battery recycling industry

Franz Geyer

BMW – Automotive industry

Madeleine Scheidema

METSO - Battery raw materials industry

Manasa Sridhar

Iveco Group – Other battery applications industry

Gian Carlo Tronzano

COMAU – Battery manufacturing supply industry

Association Delegation

The Association Delegation is composed of Executive Board members and the following representatives:

Bernhard Riegel

Hoppecke Batterien – Battery manufacturing industry

Paul Schiffbänker

AVL List GmbH - Automotive supply industry


Battery advanced materials industry

Mark Copley

FAAM – Battery manufacturing industry

Nicolas Bucher

VARTA – Battery manufacturing industry

Belén Neira

VOLVO Group - Other battery applications industry

Ilaria Pucher

Green Energy Storage - Battery advanced materials

Victor Trapp

Fraunhofer – Battery research

Kristina Edström

Uppsala University – Battery research

Kaisa Kiipula

Finnish Minerals Group – Battery raw materials industry

Luigi Lanuzza

ENEL X - Stationary storage applications industry

Oscar Miguel Crespo

CIDETEC – Battery research

Stefano Saguatti

MANZ - Battery manufacturing supply industry

Kenneth Ekman

FORTUM - Battery recycling industry

Mel Totman

Rimac Technology - Battery automotive industry

Ilka von Dalwigk

RECHARGE – Observer

Patrick Clerens

EASE – Observer

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