Horizon 4 Poland 23′
Organised by BEPA
21 - 22 November 2023 / Warsaw

On 21-22 November 2023, ICP is hosting a matchmaking event addressed to business and the scientific industry. The main theme of the event is: Partnership is the new leadership

Horizon4Poland is a matchmaking event addressed to business and the scientific industry. The formula of the event brings the participants closer to the issues related to the Horizon Europe programme, makes it possible to get to know the offer of Industry Contact Points and allows to acquire an international partner.

Horizon4Poland’23 creates a space that connects entrepreneurs and leading institutions in the field of innovation in Poland with European partnerships and foreign partners, thus increasing participation in Horizon Europe competitions. Horizon Europe is the largest research and innovation programme in the history of the European Union. A total of EUR 95.5 billion will be allocated to innovative research and innovative solutions over 7 years (2021-2027).

The main theme of the event is: Partnership is the new leadership. Our goal is to:

  • showing the innovative potential of Polish companies and institutions,
  • creation of a community of innovation leaders, who, with the support of the Industry Contact Points within the Łukasiewicz Research Network, will join the group of European innovation leaders actively cooperating in the framework of European partnerships,
  • increasing the level of: innovation of solutions needed on the Polish market, exchange of experiences, synergies and co-financing of projects submitted by Polish entities from Horizon Europe,
  • presentation of the Polish ecosystem of support for the implementation of the above-mentioned objectives, including the Industry Contact Points within the framework of the largest research network in Poland – Łukasiewicz Research Network.

This is a great opportunity for foreign partners to establish cooperation with companies and institutions from Poland to build international consortia applying for funds from the HE program and to co-create the most innovative solutions.

The main partners of the event are 12 European Partnerships: Made in Europe2ZeroCCAMPhotonics21EIT HealthBuilt4PeopleEIT FoodEIT Urban MobilityBatt4EU, ERA4HealthIHI and THCS. Their activities are focused on key areas for Europe’s development, including sustainability, digitalisation, industry, climate, energy, mobility, construction, lithium-ion batteries, photonics, food and health.

The event is addressed to companies, international organisations, scientific institutions, public institutions from both Poland and Europe.


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